Degrassi stars Annie Clark and Christine Prosperi took a break from filming to visit the J-14 offices and chat about the show. They spilled about their characters and what it's like for these BFFs to play on-screen girlfriends. Check our exclusive convo below:
J-14: Can you tell us about the characters you play on Degrassi?
Annie Clark: We play girlfriends on the show. My character, Fiona, came out last season and she's Imogen's first girlfriend. Both of our characters have gone through a lot and they're at a good place now where they're one of the only healthy relationships on Degrassi.
Christine Prosperi: My character Imogen came out as this crazy, quirky, kind of creepy girl, but now she's found her self and she's found comfort in Fiona. It's a really good relationship.
J-14: Why should readers tune in to the latest season of Degrassi?
AC: Because of the real issues that it tackles and the real kids that you can see. You can relate to at least one of the characters. It's nice seeing real kids of all shapes and sizes and ethnicities, so that's definitely a reason to tune in.
CP: Also, it opens up a conversation about many issues that are happening right now. I feel like you can watch it as a family and then talk about it.
J-14: How are you most like or unlike your characters?
CP: I definitely don't look anything like my character Imogen. She has like pigtails and glasses. She's kind of more out there in fashion choices. I love it! The fishnets and the skulls are cool. But I feel like I am like her in a way because she's very zany and quirky and she says what's on her mind--crazy things--and I am like that sometimes, too.
AC: Sometimes she'll just come up with these one-liners and I'll just be like, "Oh that was so Imogen." I don't really think I'm very much like Fiona. We're both into fashion and that sort of stuff, but she's a lot more dramatic and over the top than I am.
J-14: What's the vibe like on set?
CP: We kind of forget that it is such an iconic show 'cause we're just in our little bubble and we all love each other and are really good friends, and then we come out to these interviews and we're like, "Wow this is like the coolest thing to be a part of!" which is like really refreshing.
AC: Yeah, I think we forget because sometimes I feel like I'm at camp because it has that vibe where you're just with all of your friends. It's our home away from home because we're there for like 9 months of the year.
J-14: Has playing girlfriends made the two of you friends in real life?
CP: Yeah, a hundred percent. It definitely has brought us closer. All of our scenes are together. We're always talking about boys. It's so funny, we're like kissing, and then we cut and it's like, "So like--"
AC: "What should I do about this boy?"
CP: Yeah, it's so weird.
AC: But it'll be a friendship that will remain, no matter what happens to our characters and when the show's over for us.