After watching One Direction's dance-off video from their concert in Barcelona, we're declaring Niall Horan the best dancer of the group! He definitely knows how to bust a move --and make us laugh at the same time.
Which of his dance moves below is your fave?
1. Nothing like a little shimmy down the hallway.
2. We're blushing.
3. This Niall butt shake will start your day off right.
4. Best Macarena we've ever seen.
5. Admit it, you dance in the shower too.
6. We're loving Zayn's encouragement in the background.
7. Yup, Niall's definitely the dancer of the group.
8. If you're ever feeling down, just watch this GIF for about 10 minutes, and you should be good.
9. We're starting to think that's his favorite move...
10. This looks a lot like our happy dance!