In a recent interview, Niall Horan revealed One Direction's upcoming movie, This Is Us 3D, is going to be all-access. Not just the boys on stage, but an inside look on what fans don't see.
When chatting with an Irish radio station, Niall said, "It's more of a documentary than concert -- a behind-the-scenes insight into what goes in. The fans standing outside the stadium, they don't know what goes on in the dressing room."
Well, we're definitely interested in what happens behind closed doors (especially their dressing room door) and we think it will look a little something like this:
1. We predict there's going to be a lot of shirtlessness. And maybe some pantlessness. But, we're totally OK with that.
2. And of course, the boys just getting ready for the day. No big deal.
3. We'll probably get an inside look at their bromance, too.
4. And if we don't see some moves like these, we'll be pretty disappointed.
What behind-the-scenes action do you want to see in This Is Us 3D?