Zac Efron shows his romantic side in his new movie The Lucky One, based on Nicholas Sparks' best-selling novel. Zac plays Logan Thibault, a U.S. Marine who finds a photograph of a smiling young woman buried in the dirt and all of a sudden has a sudden streak of luck. After falling in love with Elizabeth (Taylor Schilling), their relationship begins to tear them apart as he keeps his lucky secret from her. "When I was first reading the script, I heard from a lot of people, 'Oh man, that's my favorite book!'" Zac says.
Although an official trailer has not been released, a featurette featuring Zac and clips from the movie was! Watch it below:
The Lucky One comes out April 20, 2012. Click "Read More" to see the movie's official poster.
Are you going to see The Lucky One when it hits theaters?