Is your room and locker covered with Justin Bieber posters? Then we have a brand new J-14 Magazine contest that you won't want to miss... we're giving you the opportunity to be featured on Justin Bieber's poster in an upcoming issue of the magazine.
Yup, that's right -- you and Justin on the same glossy poster that you can hang on your wall! How can you enter? Simply follow these steps below:
You Can Be on Justin Bieber's J-14 Poster Contest
1- Take a photo of yourself that captures how much you love Justin Bieber.
2- Follow @J14Magazine on Twitter AND/OR Like J14Magazine on Facebook.
3- Post the photo to our Twitter or Facebook with the tag: #J14LovesJustinBieber OR email your photo to with the Subject "J-14 Loves Justin Bieber"
4- We'll pick a certain number* of photos that will appear in an upcoming issue of J-14 -- so keep looking for your photo in an upcoming issue on Justin Bieber's official J-14 Poster
*Exact number to be determined based on entries