J-14 is scouting out the hottest music around and this week's pick is hip-hop and R&B artist Jake Miller.
Here are five things you need to know about Jake Miller, whose debut single "What I Wouldn't Give" is out now!
1. For 19-year-old Jake Miller, music has always ran in his blood, teaching himself how to play the guitar, drums, and the piano at a young age. "At that point, music was just a hobby," Jake tells J-14. "As I got older, I started gaining respect for musicians and the music industry in general. Between my passion for entertaining and my passion for music, I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life."
2. YouTube has proven to be a successful career maker for many aspiring musicians and for Jake, it was just that. "When I was in ninth grade, I turned all of the poems that I had written in my English class into songs using GarageBand on my Mac," he says. "From there, I found that YouTube was the best outlet I could use to share my music with my friends. They immediately gave me positive feedback on the songs I put out and in turn I was inspired to put a few more of my songs on YouTube."