Dr. Seuss' The Lorax, starring Taylor Swift and Zac Efron, hits theaters March 2. The animated movie follows the journey of a 12-year-old (Zac) as he searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams (Taylor) -- a tree. While in the process, he discovers the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.
SEE IT: J-14 Video: Zac Efron and Taylor Swift sing a duet on Ellen
In celebration, J-14 is giving away a Lorax prize pack which includes a $50 Fandango gift card, a Lorax t-shirt, a seedling, a fuzzy mustache, a Lorax re-usable tote, a Lorax water bottle, and Truffula Tree pencils.
To enter to win, click here or visit our Win It page.
And make sure to check out the trailer of Dr. Seuss' The Lorax below:
Are you going to see Dr. Seuss' The Lorax?