Just two days ago, One Direction singer Zayn Malik announced that he was shutting down his Twitter account. "The reason i don't tweet as much as i use to, is because I'm sick of all the useless opinions and hate that i get daily goodbye twitter :)," he explained. But, he couldn't stay away from his fans for too long. After a 48 hour break, Zayn is back! "Sorry, I was getting some abuse on Twitter but I don't want to let my fans down. So I am back!! :) x," he Tweeted.
Zayn's departure made many fans extremely upset and sparked Twitter trends like #ComeBackZayn and #ZaynComeBack in an attempt to get the singer back online -- and it obviously worked! Zayn was greeted with immediate gratitude and praise from his fans following his return. "Thanks for all your messages of support. I really do love all you guys, your support never ceases 2 amaze me xxx," he Tweeted. We knew you'd come back to us Zayn!
Are you glad that Zayn is back on Twitter?