J-14 is scouting out the hottest music around... and this week's pick is GOLDHOUSE!
Here are five things you need to know about GOLDHOUSE whose new EP All Night Long is out now!
1. GOLDHOUSE is the latest creation of singer, writer, and producer Grant Harris who has been surrounded by music since he was a kid. "My entire family is musical so I've always been around music. I'm not sure any one thing inspired me to go into music, it just kind of happened," Grant tells J-14. "I started writing music for fun and as I got deeper and deeper into it I kind of just realized it was meant to be."
2. The best way to describe his music is 'unique'. "The blanket genre I guess you could categorize it in is pop/electro but once you listen to the record you'll see that its kind of all over the place," he says. "I have so many different influences that I don't think I could ever just write one type of music. I just try to keep everything I do fun and danceable... cause isn't music better that way?"
3. GOLDHOUSE's current EP All Night Long tells a story of love, relationships, and everything in between. "The sweet side, the dirty side, the non-existent side," Grant tells J-14. "I think its hard for anyone to not find at least one song on the record they can't relate to."