The lovable jokester twins from Harry Potter, Fred and George Weasley, have grown up in front of our eyes -- and so have Oliver and James Phelps who play the ginger twins.
WATCH IT: Harry Potter's Rupert Grint & Oliver Phelps Sing Karaoke
And for the first time that we've seen, the brothers look remarkably different from one another -- Oliver's trimmed his locks while James has kept them long.
Why the sudden change? J-14 Magazine caught up with the Phelps twins on the red carpet at the Harry Potter Home Entertainment Celebration at Universal Orlando Resort's Wizarding World of Harry Potter to get the real scoop.
Watch J-14 Exclusive: Harry Potter's Oliver & James Phelps Dish on their Haircuts and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter:
What do you think of Oliver and James Phelps?