Tyler Ward has come a long way from opening for the Jonas Brothers. He's even collaborated with Cody Simpson! J-14 sat down with Tyler to chat about his music, new album, and who he dreams of collaborating with!
J-14: Tell us about how you got your start in music.
Tyler Ward: I got my start in music when I was in the 8th grade. My mom asked me to play bass guitar in church.
J-14: What was it like touring with the Jonas Brothers?
Tyler: It was really cool; they were young at the time. Best experience was when we would play catch [with a football] in parking lots on our off time.
J-14: Why did you start posting YouTube videos?
Tyler: I started posting as a way to expose my music to my family and friends. I had no idea that it would take off as it did.
J-14: Tell us about your new album. What made you release it in sections?
Tyler: Releasing the album in 2 parts gives my fans something to look forward to rather than giving it away all at once.
J-14: Who are you dying to work with?
Tyler: Taylor Swift .
J-14: What do you want our readers to know about you?
Tyler: I want to make sure they know that their dreams are absolutely possible. Two and a half years ago I was sitting in my dad's basement and now I'm touring the world, wrapping up a twenty-eight city tour. I had no idea it would work like this.
Check out Tyler's original song with Cody Simpson, "On My Mind:"
What do you think of Tyler Ward's music?