Despite rumors that Glee's graduating seniors, Kurt, Rachel and Finn, would be getting their own spin-off show following their lives in New York City, it turns out that Lea Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith may not be leaving Glee after all! "The characters will graduate," FOX's president told fans, but he also added that he thinks that graduation will "give us something cool to dig into next season."
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The network president also confirmed that Lea would return for another season and that he'd "love to see them all back" -- but that right now, they're still working out contracts for Chris and Cory.
In other Glee news, it was also just announced that current villain, Warbler Sebastian, is also in talks to return for season four in a series regular role.
Are you glad that there won't be a Glee spinoff? Are you excited to see Cory Monteith, Lea Michele and Chris Colfer back for another season?