J-14 is scouting out the hottest bands around... and this week's pick is This Century!
Here are five things you need to know about This Century whose latest EP 'Acoustics' is out now!
1. Phoenix, AZ's pop-rock band This Century formed in 2007 and has been going strong ever since. The group consists of vocalist Joel Kanitz, drummer Ryan Gose, guitarist Sean Silverman, and bassist Alex Silverman.
2. Throughout the past five years, the group has toured with the likes of Good Charlotte, The Ready Set, The Maine, Breathe Carolina, and Hey Monday and have found themselves a second home -- on the road. "With things picking up, we don't get to be home as much. We're probably in Arizona maybe six months out of a year, if that. The upside to being gone is getting to travel the country and do what you love as a job, which is incredible," Joel says. "Arizona will always be home to me though. I'd never choose to live anywhere else in this country, but I know if we had to change locations, we'd still be the same band...just not as tan."