Kat DeLuna is gearing up for the release of her next studio album, 'Viva Out Loud' and we talked with the "Whine Up" singer from the Dominican Republic about her new sound, what she's been up to the past few years, and her crafty side!
J-14: Was there anything specific in the last few years that you've gone through that inspired any of the tracks on your album?
Kat DeLuna: Everything. Even the actual title of my album, it's called 'Viva Out Loud,' which means live out loud. People always say that until you go through certain experiences, you really don't understand, so to me, I felt like, I have to live. If I'm going to write a song, I'm going to be working in the studio, I'm going to do what I want and live, live, live because when you plan stuff and don't let yourself get loose, it doesn't work.
J-14: How involved are you with the writing process?
Kat: 100 percent. I think that it's very important for you as an artist, especially as a singer, let's say if you can't write, to at least be involved in the process because your fans, they definitely feel it when it's real.
J-14: Which song on the album means the most to you?
Kat: There's this song on the album that I want to say is a homage to a very special artist who was a big inspiration to me and I really can't give it away. To me, it's like a big record. It was something that we did for fun and we didn't know that it was going to feel like that and be like that. Another song that I'm really excited about is "Surrender," which is beautiful and it's talking about how I surrender to your love, but right now, let's dance. And then, "Pieces of My Heart," where I'm really singing. I made sure that I sang more this time around, but "Bon Appetit" I know is one of my favorites besides "Wanna See U Dance," of course, but "Bon Appetit" definitely because it's very new, the sound, and it's crazy. It's just talking about how let me be your everything to a guy, bon appetit, dessert.
J-14: What can we expect from the album?
Kat: On the album, this time, I didn't want to leave anyone out, so the same way that I have upbeats, like "Wanna See U Dance," I have merengues that are in Spanish and at the same time, I did this whole new sound -- very obscure sound ballads mixed in with this new UK dubstep that I'm really obsessed with. So it's a new way of dance, but it's really not dance. It's just like crazy pop.
J-14: If you weren't a singer, what would you be doing?
Kat: I'm very crafty. I make candles. If I don't know how to cook something, I know how to cook it by reading the recipe. I make lip balms and lotions and I'm thinking about making my own eyelashes. Definitely something like a crafty person. I'll probably be Martha Stewart. The new Martha Stewart.
Are you excited to hear Kat DeLuna's new music?